It Turns Out That There Is A Reason Why Disposable Surgical Instrument Cleaning Brushes Choose Silk - AOQUN
Views : 618
Update time : 2021-02-18 16:14:00
We can see that there are many kinds of cleaning products on the market today. Based on different uses and cleaning objects, people choose different materials and styles. Common cleaning tools include sponges, brushes and towels. However, most commonly used cleaning products in the medical industry are disposable surgical instrument cleaning brushes, and they are basically brushes with plastic bristles.
But why should the medical industry choose plastic disposable surgical instrument cleaning brushes? The professional Aoqun answered for us.
That's because plastic disposable surgical instrument cleaning brushes are easier to clean and dry; the growth of bacteria requires three things: moisture, food, and a temperature suitable for bacteria to survive. This means that if it is not given water and food, it will die. The plastic filaments of disposable surgical instrument cleaning brushes are not very absorbent and cannot retain water. The surface moisture will quickly dry out; visible dirt can be seen after use. Therefore, disposable surgical instrument cleaning brushes can be easily rinsed and dried.
This is the reason why most disposable surgical instrument cleaning brushes choose plastic bristles. Although other materials may be more convenient to clean, plastic bristles are the best choice considering the safety of the instrument.