Which Parts Of The Electronic Cigarette Need To Be Cleaned?
Views : 612
Author : Cleaning Brush
Update time : 2023-03-30 17:18:30
Vaping needs to be cleaned like any other product you use on a regular basis. As you use them, they become cluttered with dirt, grime, and bacteria. To clean the vape, you'll need to disassemble the device in a clean area and use a new paper towel and vape cleaning brush to wipe down the parts. The cleaning process doesn't take much time, and it's worth knowing that you're using cleaning equipment.
1. Start with a clean place. If you start somewhere dirty, you won't be able to properly clean your e-cigarette. Be sure to start with a clean and hygienic area. Place a clean towel on the table where you will disassemble the e-cigarette. Gather some fresh tissues for vaping.
You may also want some vape cleaning brushes for hard-to-reach areas.
2. Disassemble your electronic cigarette. Remove the atomizer from the e-cigarette. If there is a drip tip, remove it. If it's there, take the nebulizer cone or drip guard too.
If you're not sure you're removing the correct part, you can use an image of the e-cigarette's structure. Alternatively, you can find a video of someone dismantling one of these.
3. Wipe the parts. Specifically, wipe down the drip tip, atomizer cone, and atomizer. Push the paper towel in the direction of the battery end and drip the tip of the atomizer. Blow gently across the drip tip to force stale e-liquid into the paper towel. If the e-cigarette has a drip guard and atomizer cone, fold the paper towel into a tight triangle and press to the right to absorb any stray e-liquid.
Please fold the paper towel into a square so it can absorb more.
4. Clean the battery terminals. Use the Vape Cleaning Brush to expose the dry part. It is recommended to push it inside the e-cigarette to clean the inside of the battery terminals. If paper towels aren't for you, use a vape cleaning brush. Repeat this process several times.
5. Charge the battery. Remove the battery and place it on the charger. When it's fully charged, you can use it again. Then, reassemble the e-cigarette and finish cleaning.